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0610 IGCSE Biology Complete Essential Definitions

absorption:  the movement of digested food molecules through  the wall of the intestine into the blood or lymph. accommodation:  the change of shape of the lens, in order to  focus on objects at different distances. active site:  the part of an enzyme molecule into which its  substrate fits. active transport:  the movement of ions in or out of a cell  through the cell membrane, from a region of their lower  concentration to a region of their higher concentration  against a concentration gradient, using energy released during  respiration. adrenaline:  a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, which  prepares the body for ‘flight or fight’. aerobic respiration:  the release of a relatively large amount  of energy in cells by the breakdown of food substances in the  presence of oxygen. allele:  any of two or more alternative forms of a gene. alveolus (plural: alveoli): an air sac in the lungs, where gas  exchange occurs. amino acids:  molecules that can link together in long chains  to form proteins; they contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and  nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. amniotic fluid: secreted by the amnion, which supports  and protects a developing fetus. amylase:  an enzyme which breaks down starch to maltose. anaemia:  an illness caused by a lack of haemoglobin. anaerobic respiration:  the release of a relatively small amount  of energy by the breakdown of food substances in the absence  of oxygen. antagonistic muscles:  muscles that work as a pair – for  example, one may cause extension and the other flexing of a  joint. …

IGCSE Biology Drugs Notes

Drugs  A drug is any substance taken into the body that modifies or affects chemical reactions in the body.  There are two types of drugs: Medicinal Drugs(to reduce symptoms like headaches, bacterial infections) and Misused Drugs(taken to provide stimulation, induce sleep and create hallucinations(recreational drugs), often illegally) Medicinal drugs: Antibiotics- This has to be a …

Igcse Biology Classification and Characteristics of Organisms

Chapter 1 : CHARACTERISTICS AND CLASSIFICATION OF LIVING ORGANISMS  Characteristics of living organisms: All organisms, whether they are unicellular or multicolour have certain common characteristics. They can be shown by the acronym MRS GREN  M-movement-action by an organism causing a change of position or place. R-respiration- describes the chemical reactions in cells that break down …

IGCSE Biology Notes on Human Influences on Ecosystem

 Bio notes Impact of intensive livestock production   Rearing of calves and chickens on a large scale production is called factory farming. They are reared in large sheds instead of open fields and their urine and faeces are washed off leading to the formation of a slurry which if it finds its way to rivers …

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