Welcome to prepIGCSE

Warm Greetings to all, We are immensely overwhelmed to have you on board with us. We hope that through this forum everyone achieves their desired results. Please feel free to ask any questions you have on any topic, by simply dropping us a mail on prepigcse@gmail.com , and we will try to answer it to …

IGCSE English Language Complete Guide

Language Revision Pointers  by Aditi Prasad Two papers Paper 2 Paper 3  PAPER 2 Directed writing -Newspaper/ Magazine article -Journal -Dialogue writing -Interview -Article  -Report based of article -Letter writing -Diary Entry -Talk Pointers For Directed Writing,  Be sure to follow the pointers. It is important to find at least 5 points per pointer.  Usually …

Speech Writing Sample Igcse English Language 0500

Speech Writing :   I am here to tell you that life upholds many challenges for us to fight or accept defeat. In our daily lives as students, teachers, workers, and even on the basic level as mere individuals, we are faced with problem after problem, some of which may be too much for us …

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