Welcome to prepIGCSE

Warm Greetings to all, We are immensely overwhelmed to have you on board with us. We hope that through this forum everyone achieves their desired results. Please feel free to ask any questions you have on any topic, by simply dropping us a mail on prepigcse@gmail.com , and we will try to answer it to …

A View From The Bridge

Q) What does Miller’s portrayal of Marco add to the dramatic impact of the play? A) Arthur Miller’s “A View From The Bridge” is a broadway play that encapsulates the events that transpire in a household following the arrival of the family’s relatives, Marco and Rodolpho. The writer augments the impact of drama in the …

The Fall of The House of Usher

Summary by Aditi Prasad The narrator approaches The House of Usher, an incredibly desolate, aged building, with a crack in the façade from roof to ground, which gives him an awful feeling.  He rides on to the house anyway, because he has been called upon by a very sick old friend, Roderick Usher, who comes …

Use of Analepsis in “Secrets”

Q) How does Bernard MacLaverty use analepsis to memorable effect? A) Bernard MacLaverty’s “Secrets” is a coming of age story encapsulating the anecdote of an anonymous protagonist who uncovers his Aunt’s secrets, altering their relationship forever. With significant help of analepsis, the writer not only portrays the relationship he had with his aunt but also …

Concepts in The Open Boat by Stephen Crane

Existentialism, naturalism, symbolism and irony in the open Boat  Existentialism in The Open Boat  A philosophical theory or approach which emphasises the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will. Existentialism is a movement in philosophy and literature that emphasises individual existence, freedom and choice. …

Secrets by Bernard Maclaverty analysis

Secrets  Examine the significance of the title. How does the author use thematic concerns to project it? “Secrets” is a short story written by prolific author Bernard McaLaverty which deals with convoluted themes such as pain, death and betrayal which portray the dullness and tenebrosity of the plot. The title itself contributes much to the …

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